• Every person has a life
    Each one finding their meaning in this world
    Nature, full of trees and beauty
    Destroyed by the up-coming factories
    Cities sprouting up above the clouds
    People moving just like running cars
    Bars for the misfits behind them
    As each one fights for a war
    People are brought into into this world
    Some leave behind the gates
    Or down below the ground
    As the wind blows into its seasons
    People start to grow into their changes
    The world evolves every second
    Just like the people who live upon it
    Children play in their ways
    As their inner battles continue to grow within them in the ages
    Conflict comes about
    Just like a war terrerizing everything
    People continuing to strive for their goals
    Others fail to obtain their meaning and everthing ends upon themselves
    Striving for their meaning
    As your body gives way to the edge
    You try to rid'in your sins
    Before the abyss is upon your very soul
    Just before you happen to find happiness
    Upon a world full on this very land
    It holds many surprises within this future of ours