• I’m just a dog that wants to play,
    I’m just a dog, who needs a friend,
    Looking for attention,
    Wanting to be in the crowd,
    But finding myself wanting to do more
    Than looking through a looking glass.
    So I’m just a dog waiting to be lead
    Inside a crowd or a conversation with friends,
    But as I’m waiting for an open door
    I sit; I walk back and forth,
    And look to see if the door will open.
    But, I’m just a dog
    Waiting to speak, waiting to be heard.
    But, can anyone really hear me?
    Or at least know I’m there?
    Should I bark louder than I do now?
    Should I chase my tail to see if they notice?
    But, can they really notice me scratching the door,
    Like saying ‘let me in…
    ; please let me into your world.’
    I’m scratching, I’m barking,
    Can you hear me now?
    Should I bark more and more to see if you hear me?
    So I wait like a good dog,
    The minutes turn into hours,
    As I look through the looking glass the day is half over,
    But I still wait for a sign of a door to open.
    Finally, the day is over,
    And as I lay there I dream for another day of happiness,
    But knowing it will just be a dream