• What has happened here, on this very spot?
    Not, the immense area, but that single, tiny, dot.
    That speck of sand holds its own stories,
    It could tell many tales of hopes and glories.

    Maybe it formed a base, of a giant castle,
    But was then knocked over by someone in a hassle.
    It could have been where life was formed,
    But blown away when the great winds stormed.

    Walked on by a couple, holding hands,
    Listening to their talk of honeymoon plans.
    Stepped on when adventurers returned from afar,
    Carried on their shoes to a nearby bar.

    Cemented down for years to form a giant stone,
    Possibly part of the house you now own.
    Displaced by a child, searching for shells,
    Then caught up in the oceans tumbling swells.

    The mysteries are endless, countless in fact,
    Perhaps fleeting moments in our lives, not intact.
    The waves wash over, smoothing the bay,
    But the stories the sand holds, are there to stay.