• Love,

    love is like a snake it can eat your heart out.
    A snake can tear your heart lim from lim, it can make it cry it can make it bleed it can also make it blue from suffication. A snake is evil and you were stupied enough to let "him" take your heart and steal it. He is the enemy the stealer of love. If anything it's your fault for letting him do this. Now your sitting in the dark asking your self question's like how did this happen? well i no. You two found each other and fell in love. You trusted him and you can him you love in other words your heart. He ment the world to you, but you did one stupied move and it's all over. Your in the dark sitting, tears rollings down your white soft cheek. And your heart in front of you all broken and sad. Your waiting for that some one. That some one comes and he fixed it. He made you happy, and guess what,.... It starts all over again, and again.