• I see you walking down the street
    I call to you but you don’t seem to hear
    I run after you as you turn the corner.
    As I turn the corner stop dead in my tracks
    And I can feel the tears stinging the back of my eyes.
    I blink them back

    Thoughts of revenge overcome me
    I be come an emotionless shell
    With only one purpose.
    The adrenaline is pumping my body
    Quieting the part of me that doesn’t want to go through with this.
    Don’t live your life wanting revenge. When you get it what will you do?
    A small voice in the back is yelling in my head

    I turn around the corner after I calm down
    And You’re KISSING HER!
    I march up toward you, knowing I have the element of surprise.
    I call you by your name sweetly and you turn around.
    Unknown to my intentions you are.
    Shock is written all over your face
    My world slows down

    A punch straight to your jaw sends you falling on the ground.
    Stomp. Stomp. Stomp.
    Blood coats my black boots as you stare up at me.
    My world blacks out.

    Suddenly I wake up.
    The doctors said I hit my head.
    I have visitors.
    I see you and smile.
    It was only a fantasy
    You come to sit by me
    Then my world falls apart as she walks in.