• Surreal.
    You scribbled everything that ever
    meant something
    on a wall that told the stories
    of the real world,
    and gave in-depth biographies/
    insight to who we all were.
    It measured who I was
    by words and failed relationships;
    family ties
    significant others...
    and I didn't rank so high.
    you whispered in my ear,
    stood back and glanced at
    your handy-work
    and artistic skill
    "Don't you think it's beautiful?"
    I had no idea how to react
    as my life was played before
    everybody we knew
    on display, in your honor
    as theirs was too.
    Life seemed sure now
    and I was unsure of how to fix this
    "it's a work of art"
    said softly, with your chin
    resting on my shoulder.
    that you could find
    everyday life
    and mundane
    insecure feelings that never amounted to much
    to be so beautiful.
    that in the life we've built for ourselves
    the important stuff could fit on
    a mural the size of a small brick wall
    and the rest was just
    time we've wasted.