• Delilah's Dead...

    Delilah's Dead...
    Delilah's Dead...
    Died under the sheets of a hospital bed...
    Her mum and dad cried all night...
    In their heads the gruesome sight...

    Her hands were wrinkled...
    Her body limp...
    Her eyelids were open...
    But no eyes were within...

    Delilah's Dead...
    Delilah's Dead...
    She'll die one day that's what they said...
    Her binge drinking had destroyed her liver and heart...
    Delilah, well, she wasn't too smart...

    Her mouth still stunk of the vile liquid...
    Her nose blocked up with snot...
    Her ribcaged showed beneath tight clothes...
    And her shoes were torn and ripped...

    Her children suffered more than her...
    Her cat had breathed it's final, soft purr...
    Her dog had destroyed the wretched house...
    In the corner a rotting mouse...

    Her clothes looked baggy over her slim body...
    Her alice band chipped and cracked...
    Her legs were scratched and distorted...
    Her bones were broke all round...

    The addictive taste had caused her pain...
    The doctors had described her to be insane...
    They took her in, did the best they could...
    Her face was still covered in crimson blood...

    She was found in an alleyway in the middle of the night...
    12:35 to be precise...
    She lay in a pool of her own sick and sorrow...
    She took £5.50 she claimed was just to borrow...
    A fight had raged outside in the cold...
    So drugs are bad children, let the truth unfold...

    question Drugs... What do you think?