• Dead as the breathless air,
    Wronged as the hunted fox,
    More massacre than one heart could bear,
    Pulseless as ones being lay to witness,
    What one predujice can burn,
    As not one allie came to concern,

    Safe our promise their undying word,
    Where does unscathed lie in a prison?
    One people caged like a bird,
    Not to sing a note of belief anymore,
    Silenced with a musle to hush our crying lips,
    Tired feet and worn out fingertips,

    One superior people to inherit one world of hate,
    So let we who believe be persecuted and punished as they choose,
    Let we who shalt not kneel behold the iron gate,
    And let them torment and tease the people,
    But we shall hold on to what we love,
    And fly once more as free as the dove,

    Let non deter us from the ground we stand,
    Let we who choose it suffer our right,
    Let we who see be shot hand in hand,
    Now all who dare may finally know,
    That the men, the women and the children did not die in vain,
    But met death with courage and cried not in the ending rain.