• Should I have known?
    That this wasn't for real?
    This wouldn't end well
    And I'd be in peices

    My love was to great.
    I held on too tight
    Something was going to break
    As everything under stress always does

    I was pulled on both sides
    And had nowhere to hide
    From all the painful emotions
    Inside me

    I never thought my love
    Would be able to bear so much
    And yet it took more than
    I ever should've been able to take

    Now I can't breathe
    Now I can't think or feel
    Anything without feeling you
    And the pain that you left behind

    I can't sleep
    I can't feel happy
    I put on a mask
    To hide my despair

    I feel nothing
    I want nothing
    But the death that
    Contiues to ellude me