• I am blessed
    Because I was given a gift
    Something unlike anything before
    Something I hold close to my heart
    I am lucky
    Because he loves me
    Because I know why others haven't
    Because he knows it as well
    And loves me yet
    I am fortunate
    Because he puts up with me
    Even when others give up
    When they decide I'm too much to deal with
    I am relieved
    Because I can tell him what I want
    I'm no longer worried about rejection
    I know he listens to me
    I've gotten what others want
    Someone who loves me
    Even when I don't love myself
    Even with my many flaws, my imperfections
    I am loved
    Because he shows me
    Because he tells me
    Because I know
    I want to shout it from the rooftops
    Write it on the walls
    Let the whole world know!
    I've found the love of my life
    Love at first sight, it was
    And it works still
    Mere words and phrases
    They can't even begin to describe
    How I feel
    What I think
    What I'd be like without you in my life
    Because I love you so much
    And I'm the most blessed person
    Even in this whole entire Earth
    Because I have you
    My one and only love