• Falling through the air
    the clouds pass beside me.
    reaching out to touch them but theres nothing there.
    this is my place where no one else can be
    no one will ever find me when im falling freely

    Leave me be. i want to fall free
    dont try to catch my plumetting body.
    dont hold me back dont try to control me.
    this is what i am. this is who i want to be.
    this is my destiny and i wont be caged.

    i see what is before my eyes. let me take it in.
    staring down is the ground. ready for my embrace.
    It is what i want ands i'll do what's best for me.
    that is falling freely.

    i wont ever hit the ground. that at least is true.
    Fore right behind me are the wings of my dreams.
    ill sail on the wind and free fall when im pleased.
    Never forget that this is where i want to be.
    Never ending