Close your eyes, and don't look,
See with your heart and not your eyes,
Stay silent or you might miss it....for many do
Can you hear the songbird sing her song?
The babbling brook flow down stream?
The air rush through the trees to it's own melody
Or the rain hitting the ground,
To its own beat,
Can you hear the different pitches of the rain as it falls?
Can you hear the song it makes as it falls?
Imagine this, the rain falling to its own beat,
And the clash of mighty thunder as the drums
Can you hear this, or do you just look?
Can you look and understand?
Can you look beyond what you see?
Or is it just there
With no meaning?
What about the deer grazing in the field,
Where the slightest sound will send them running,
Or the fish swimming up the stream?
Can you hear the wolf howl and hear its meaning?
The sad call of the lone wolf
The cry for help
Or happiness
Or does it just place fear into your heart
Where fear shouldn't be placed?
Close your eyes and pay attention,
Wait for the sound of the army ants marching....marching
Wait for the sound of the birds high above you
Wait for the sound of the gentle breeze blowing past you,
Will you wait.....or will you walk?
Do you look with your eyes at the world around you?
Or do you look.....with more than your eyes?
More than your eyes
a poem that i wrote over the summer.
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