• Why do you look down on me?
    Do I not add up,
    Do I not meet your expectations?
    What do you want from me?
    Is my best not good enough for you?
    I work hard,
    I try to reach your standards,
    Yet it seems that no matter what I do,
    It is never good enough for you,
    Almost as if I will never be good enough,
    I will never be what you want me to be,
    I will never be perfect in your eyes.
    Is that why you look down on me?
    Why you laugh when I fall, why you smile my pain?
    Is that it? Am I right?
    You think that if you ignore me and put me down long enough,
    that I'll disappear?
    I am nothing to you, I do not exsist to you,
    I'm your only daughter, but thats not good enough.
    I'll never be good enough.