• I don't know why,
    I don't know how,
    I don't know where,
    I don't know when

    I don't know much,
    but I think I know enough
    for I always know
    theres nothing to hide,
    and nothing kept,

    I know I love you,
    and you think the same,
    just as I know no matter the distance,
    no matter the frustration
    no matter the age
    no matter the hatred that may come

    I love you today,
    I love you tomorrow,
    I love you always,

    no emotion,
    can change what we share
    for our love is bare of words
    and is shown from
    a sacred art of expression
    which includes only the silence of two voices
    but yet by mind and by heart the expression is sent recieved and understood

    it may not always turn out
    but I dont know,
    I know as much as I wish
    for the future looks bright
    I want every bit of that sacred expression
    to be a surprize...
    for I love you and cant wait for the soul meeting
    to come to together on that faithful day....
