• One man puts his faith in love and god,
    And another one in the dagger used to dispose of his life by his own hand.
    One man loves the beautiful girl with the golden hair though she’s truly lost,
    Another one holds to the one with brains and inside her she’s marvelous.
    One mans doubts that he'll ever be in need,
    While the other man doubts life will get any better.
    On man knows his left and his right,
    As the other ponders countless things.
    One man is arrogant and follows the rules,
    But the other one is clutter yet inside he’s truly guiness.
    One mans has his royalass on the throne crowned with glory till the day he dies
    While the this man works and withholds his dignity.
    The loss of the one with looks in place of his brains would not be much.
    But the one with thoughts being lost to the undeceassed would cause society to collapse.
    One worthless yet powerful man sits before his fire smiling very unrealistically,
    As the other one thought is slit for the pure joy of those other ones.
    What kind of person are you?