• Not a day goes by the dont think"Why didnt i tell you the truth?"
    Not a month goes by that I dont wish that i could do it all over
    Not once in any year of any life do i think "why cant i be with you?"

    I always think of you
    I always speak of you
    I always want you

    Its not a will
    Not a favor
    But a need

    I dont want you i need you
    I dont like you i love you
    I dont want to lose you

    We are two of a kind
    We are meant to be
    We are the kinda of people who are when are born are born with soul mates

    You are my soul mate whether you believe it or not
    You are my one and only
    But most of all your are my life,my soul,my everything

    But,sadly,someone else has you
    Someone else gets to hold you
    Somone else gets to tell they love you

    Someone else has my life,my soul,and my everything
    I'm sorry i never told you
    I'm sorry i never accepted you for you

    But now as it goes on i relize i was wrong and i Love you
    Please forgive me as i do this
    I hold the knife to my wrist

    I slowly slice hearing the skin split
    It hurts at first then it eases this was meant to happen
    The blood drips down the sides of my arm and starts to fill the tub

    A pool forms and i slowly die as i cry
    Thinking of you as the seconds go by
    "Will i regret this?" is what i think as i breathe my last breath and the blood quits flowing because im drained
    my heart stops beating and then i relized my soul is looking down on my body thinking "N one is going to find you because no one cares" then my soul decends to where it is meant to be never to return to its body and tot hink i did all this for you