• I've given up.
    Its the end of the line.
    I'm falling into darkness,
    No longer in touch.
    My life is falling apart.
    I've given in to emotion.
    This hole of which I've fallen into,
    It doesn't ever end.
    An everlasting pain,
    Enduring it seems insane.
    I no longer understand myself.
    Don't know if I can get back up.
    Many ways to end this pain,
    But one comes to mind.
    This evil darkness has a hold of my heart,
    The fragile thing I have inside.
    It slowly beats, for I'm still alive,
    However, not willing to survive.
    Things are in turmoil,
    Don't want to try to change it.
    The more the darkness takes me,
    Its harder to hold on,
    To those that are dear,
    I need to move on.
    Save me.