• Blocks upon blocks of angry sirens and static
    Steering ignorant men to be crude and dogmatic
    Where the blood, sweat and flesh become the salt in the basin
    for the steel monster who's rising and eating the nation.
    With a snap of it's jaws and a blink of a thousand glass eyes
    The urbanized snake wholly swallows the skies.
    And when you look up, child, I'll tell you what to expect,
    It's as black as the armor that coat's the Exec's.
    Iron roots worm their way through the concrete foundation,
    Until there's no room to spare and in such a foul situation:
    Off go the bees to cripple and cut
    Mother nature to feed expansion's grumbling gut.
    This metal-made nightmare would have continued to grow
    if only there was anywhere else left to go.
    To spare you the thought, I'll be as blunt as can be:
    The world's now nothing more than a home to machines.