• When will it all end?
    I'm through guarding a castle I can not defend...
    My heart...
    It aches, screams, and moans as it is torn apart.
    This bleak world has lost luster...
    I tried, I did, gave everything I could Muster.
    This is a new pain now,
    It needs sating and I don't how...
    I am gone...alone once more...
    So I sit...watching the blood fall to the floor.
    I know of pain, I know of hate.
    And the latter is a blind hunger that I cannot sedate.
    I am gone again, this world has tossed me aside.
    The heartache knows me...I can no longer hide.
    I will be free from this machine!
    Sick of not being and sick of the "between"
    Tear me from these wires!
    Once again I welcome hatred's fires!
    This burning breath...
    It's not fire...but the vile clutches of Undeath...
    I was told it would be so cold...
    Yet here, in its burning embrace, everything else seems to unfold.
    I watch as the doctors scream for more, trying to save my life,
    Then I know...this burning...it is not death, but the sterilized knife.
    The world does grow chilled,
    My destiny, my final purpose has been fulfilled.
    The world doesn't need a creature like me...
    I was hateful, blind, chained down...now in this scarlet pool I am free.
    I will laugh when the doctors and my family begin to cry...
    Asking what happened, asking...asking why.
    It will be peace that I am able to find,
    when the doctors tell the world that I have flatlined.