• What is our purpose? Is it live, or survive. to cherish or destroy our beautiful home. Everything that lives is given but one truth to our existence....time. The question is way? All we know is that it lies somewhere in our past. Remembering is your task. I have found my purpose. I will survive. To bring light to another sad face as i have tried for countless days. Yet remember forever and always that you are you, no one else. However countless lives you may live through history, or have. Take them one at a time and live. For yesterday, today or tomorrow it matters not. Live free and happy, take life and all its misfortunes and spin them to your advantage. So put on a smile, go outside and greet everyone you meet. For you may never again, and what will you think when you look back at what you missed. Keep that which is dear close at heart, with in your arms. While keeping so many other moments at the tip of your memory. let not man kind sink into the forgotten dreams of the world.