• The Tale of Ava...
    Once too many.

    Entwine me into your madness
    Take me deeper than before
    Rapture tickling my nerves
    But it will be for nothing.

    Blurred months of the smell
    Animalistic tendencies mare my skin
    Blood, hot, red hot
    I know the deeds we’ve done, you’ve done.

    Smug lips pull into an easy smile
    I blow between mine
    We stare, a raise brow
    Fluttered eye lashes.

    A flash of movement and I straddle your waste
    You thrust your hips up, a begging, hopeful motion
    I give you the first real smile, then lean down to kiss….
    The veins in your eyes pulse and come to the surface.

    I’ve showered, dressed and now I stare
    The beds empty, no sigh of our little love affair
    I start the car and the phone rings, its my hubby with the kids
    As I come to a stop at the red light, the man in the next ride tempts my interest.

    Shall I begin this cycle again?
    The cycle that makes my blood boil with need?
    The cycle that has me on my tip toes never to moan another’s name?
    I ease back into my seat, nah, I play with what I have at home.