• Everything is in slow motion.
    I'm sitting on my bed,
    My ceiling fan spinning, blowing my hair back,
    As I hear the drone of a plane in the distant gray sky.

    I turn and look outside my window,
    To see the bleak and sober atmosphere around my world...
    And how bleak and sober it is... with the dark thoughts of suicide,
    Slaughtering, and terror! That deep, heartbroken feeling!
    What if you only have one life? Why would you want to find out?
    Your life itself would cease to exist! Nothing but a lost soul!
    ...And we don't need any more of those.

    My dog lay next to me, breathing and snoring softly.
    I stop thinking and smile weakly at him,
    And lift my damp eyes to face a new, happy life, without depression.
    I still hear laughter ringing in my ears as I gently fall asleep,
    With a smile on my face.