• You think I'm a monster?
    I'm not.
    I never was.
    What made me a vampire
    that was a monster.
    Cruelty was its fun.
    Killing its sense of life.
    But I'm different.
    I didn't want
    to become what I am.
    I never wanted
    to live forever.
    But this way of life
    is no real life.
    It's only existing.
    And I'm too weak...
    too weak to stop existing...
    I was young.
    I was full of dreams,
    of hopes...
    And then there was
    I fell...
    into a dark whole...
    Complete silence...
    No one around...
    No feeling left...
    but sadness.
    I long for my past...
    So much time ago...
    I long for the sun...
    Maybe, one day...
    I have the strength to see it again!
    The last thing I see
    before I stop existing!