• I hate this place
    I need to leave
    There’s no love or grace
    It’s driving me insane
    Everything I do
    Turns out bad
    Every right comes out wrong
    And I always fail
    I struggle just to stay alive
    I wish that they could feel
    The pain inside my darkened heart
    It’s just so real
    I cry every night
    And that puts me to sleep
    I try to sleep normally
    Like counting the sheep
    I long for those dreams
    When I’m free from this place
    No chains around my wrists
    Nothing to weigh me down
    But it’s all just a dream
    I know it’s only fantasy
    It’s not real
    For now
    You try to come and visit
    You know I’m sad and all alone
    They never let you come inside
    Those murderous, hurtful souls
    They don’t know what I’m going through
    Only you understand
    That every single day and night
    I always think of you