• We were friends for so long with you always wanting more
    But for me I didn’t want to lose what we had
    I didn’t let myself try for more not willing to risk losing everything
    We stayed friends until you gave up on me
    You abandoned the hope of us being more
    But for me I just started to see what I really wanted
    I wanted more and I didn’t want to lose you
    I called and I sent you emails
    But I never got a reply
    When we finally met again I was happy I thought we could go back
    You had a girlfriend and you wouldn’t stop talking about her
    You were just rubbing it in my face that I had lost you
    You had someone and I was alone
    You said we could still be friends
    But for me I saw what your actions said
    They said we could never be like we were and I should stop trying
    They said I was no longer a part of your life
    They said you didn’t want me in your life
    I knew what they said I couldn’t stand it
    I told you that it was breaking my heart to be with you
    What I didn’t tell you was that I could hear you actions loud and clear
    I let you believe that I just couldn’t be friends with you
    To my surprise you didn’t fight it
    You let us drift apart and this broke my heart more
    I saw you with her time and time again and I couldn’t stand it
    I cried
    I cried when I heard your name
    I cried when I saw you with her
    I cried when I saw you alone
    You saw me cry, but you gave no comfort like you did before her
    You turned away and went on with life
    People told me to be happy for you
    But for me it was too hard
    I couldn’t be happy for you
    You treated me horribly and I couldn’t be happy for you
    And although I couldn’t be happy for you I couldn’t stop loving you
    I tried with all my might, but I couldn’t forget my love
    I let you know what you had done to me
    I told you to your face what your actions said
    You wouldn’t believe me
    You wouldn’t acknowledge your mistake
    I cried again
    I couldn’t understand why you couldn’t see what you had done to me
    You said you still wanted to be friends
    It tore me apart
    But for me I couldn’t resist
    I know you were a jerk
    But I couldn’t stop loving you
    I couldn’t stop hoping we could someday be more
    As much as I try to forget you
    As much as I try to stop loving you
    I can’t, it is not possible
    My love was created and no matter how much you tear me apart it will never be destroyed
    I know this is bad for me, but I can’t help it
    I know I made mistakes with you
    I admit that I made mistakes
    Why can’t you just admit you made some as well?
    Why can’t you apologize for all the hurt you caused me?
    I know this will not make me stop loving you but maybe it can help me heal
    I want to heal and I want to find someone else to love
    I want to find someone who deserves me
    I want to find someone who appreciates me
    I want someone who cares about me
    But I can’t find that person until I move on from you
    And I can’t move on until I forgive you
    And I can’t forgive you until you apologize