• Somthing I dreamed of and hope never happens
    The burden of my heart grows with each passing day. Night transforms me into something I can't control. A lust for blood, a longing for love. Innocent people slaughtered by my cursed hand, screaming to be heard and helped. The cries of the injured ring in my mind each morning that I awake to find blood upon my body. What have I become?

    Every sunset my thirst returns and my dearest friends turn to living prey. I dont understand these emotions that cry out inside. A feeling too overwhelming to understand the meaning. My sufferage hides behind the shadows of many and has been prolonged for centuries passed. Now when sunset fades and moonlight revives the evening, my eyes are shrouded by hatred and anguish. The fondest of memories are swept away by oceans of secrets and anger. This uncontrollable rage sends shockwaves through my body forcing me to unleash my fury upon the world. Paths of destruction tell me of where i've broken the hearts and hopes of those i hold dear. My heart aches but i can't stop my eyes from burning as they terrorize the minds and souls f innocent and weak.

    Clouds float by like leaves in the distant winds. They carry the soft serenade of a lovers kiss from times begining. Even in the midst of my rampage a single tear escapes my eye at the thought of my lover's return. Dawn arises and my eyes see clearly once again. My soul ceaces its burning sensations and my cold heart ache continues its sorrowful mourn. Those I hold dear have abandoned me, my heart lies in pieces at the feet of my victims, who lie motionless beside me. I have lost everyone and in doing so lost myself.