• My love, my dear, my sugarpie
    I'm always here, so you can cry
    on my shoulder if you want to
    When you feel like s**t and crap or other things like poo

    I'll make you smile
    At least I'll try
    And we can make fun of that one guy
    Who made you cry
    Who told a lie
    And said goodbye
    I think he must've been high
    To let you go
    That's all I know

    You dont have to impress me
    I've known you too long
    But you always turn 'round just like a song
    When I've done wrong
    Or you've done wrong
    Or him
    Or her
    Anyway, sure, you can cry
    Cry away
    I wont go, let it loose
    The harder you cry the more it's of use
    To help you feel better
    Like an ugly Grandma sweater
    I'm right here
    Promise not to disappear.