• As I gaze upoun this desolate courtyard.
    I turn my eyes up to the sky and I find
    that destruction can in fact be something beautiful.
    Shades of red and orange flashed
    and the reflection in your eyes told me that everything did not have to be okay
    You held me tighter and I whispered in your ear words lost in time passing

    A painting
    A shifting
    An end unto a new beginning

    Tears of joy and anguish drip from the crumbling statues that surround us.
    The ground rips open and we see everything that we put to rest
    swallowed whole by the earth.

    Who could imagine an apocalypse could bring forth such joy?
    Tears fell from the coulds blanketing the fallen world in rivers of sorrow

    But out of the sorow grows a new beginning.


    As for you, my old friend
    Did I warn you that one day your decadance would rot into ash?
    You sit on your corpse throne as supreme king
    of a world sinking slowly into the crushing darkness
    Will you take this final chance to ascend?
    Or will you drown as well?