• He walks alone on the deserted pass, not knowing how long he will last
    He sits and waits under a dead oak tree.
    waiting for the one who he might be.
    Seeing his life crashing down onto thee,
    has no affect of happy or glee.
    As he ventures on through the deserted unshown,
    He is the one he is always known
    He raises his sword up to the sky,
    But he could not bare ever to lie.
    He slices the sword through his body and soul,
    and ends the saddest story once told,
    This young hero cut off so short,
    while only feeling utterly thwart.
    He drops to a knee and lets out a yell.
    One so painful you could not tell.
    This brave young man who risked his life,
    No one cared not even his wife.
    Who is this man that i once knew?
    Well lets just say it couldnt be you.