• Sitting perched apon the mountain top
    Contemplating on whether you should jump
    Your mind heavily hazed within confusion
    Your heart bleeding in uncontentment and hurt
    Your skin cold with numbness
    Your eyes watery with tears of dissatifaction and betrayal
    Your feet steady apon the ground, ready to push off: to leap
    Your judgement, spiraling aimlessly
    And then all pain strikes fiercely, brutally
    So you stand
    Almost weak enough to fall limp
    And you push off: you leap
    Feeling the breeze's electric shock
    As you come close to the end of your plummet
    The clouds fading in the faint distance
    The ground nearing itself to you
    Your mouth open
    Your words light compared to the intense screeches of the whirling wind
    And as death's words began tickling you eardrum
    As the chilling fear licked your spine
    Strong and loving hands squeezed against your waist
    Pulling you back up to the mountain top, to stability and safety
    Opening your eyes, allowing you to notice yourself encased in water
    And his breath heavy against your neck, whimpering
    "Don't leave me like that. That isn't fair!"
    His hands stroking you harder, now
    His lips pressed hard to yours
    Keeping you silent
    His caring tears, adding to the tub full of water
    "I accept you and thats all that matters!"
    His words taking away the confusion, the hurt and the betrayal