• She cried all alone, knowing there was no way to hide her secret
    She would suffer with the scar across her face, a reminder
    Of when she was nearly murdered...by her own love

    She ran to her closet and pulled out a hoodie
    No one at her new school would ever know
    Of her scars once she covered it up

    She took a knife from her back pocket
    And began cutting the right side off
    She hoped it would work

    She felt some relief and went into the bathroom
    Stared at her scars that ran down her pale face
    Thick, red painful looking scars that ran from the end of her left eye
    Down to the end of her neck

    She screamed in agony
    The scar looked like a tear of blood
    And indeed it was

    The next day at school she sat
    Everyone was pointing, everyone laughing except me
    "What fool where's half a hood?"

    Day after day
    Class after class
    Continuing for months

    One day the teacher ordered her to the front of the room
    She did as he said
    "Its time to take off your hood."

    She begged to just keep it on
    He wouldn't allow it
    So he pulled down her hood

    One girl began to cry
    Others begged for forgiveness
    The teacher passed out onto the hard floor

    The girl just sat and stared
    As everyone was tearing up
    And sadly began to walk away

    The others followed her
    Asked her where she was going
    But she disappeared into the fog

    The next day everyone expected her to be there
    But she wasn't
    Her mother was in the hallway screaming

    The teacher came in and told us
    She had gone missing
    All of us were shocked

    After school me and a group of friends
    All went to look for her
    Our first stop was the woods, it was our last too

    We went on a little brick bridge
    Looked down and saw her body floating on the top of the surface
    Of the black water