• A stranger behind the door
    Fear runs through me cold as ice
    Yet my feet stay glued to the floor
    A knock reminds me of the guest
    Can I get away?
    Should I make my last request?
    Terrified of the unknown
    Horrified that I’m all alone
    Maybe I should try to run
    Try to escape the hidden
    Is the life I knew finally done?
    Shall I lock the door tight?
    Smile and walk away
    Pretend that everything is alright
    The lock has failed and now I must see
    Who is here to see me?
    Shall I undo the final lock?
    Shall I remove the final block?
    I won’t take this pressure anymore
    I’ll open the door.
    Throw away the key
    Allow the light in so I can finally see
    The love behind the door
    I’ll never lock the door again
    I shall allow my heart to soar