• 3 words to bring comfusion
    3 words so hard to say, yet those words hold such power
    3 words to hold life in a sway

    3 words used all the time
    wether in song, story, or rhyme
    3 words of comfort yet also
    words of pain

    3 words to bring about closeness
    3 words to make you wonder why
    3 words of attachment
    said in action or said in word

    how can these 3 words
    arouse some yet
    also anger others
    why within these words
    can such hatred breed

    3 words to change
    how others percieve you
    either said to the same
    or to the other

    3 words so easy yet so hard
    3 words to hold life of a pair
    3 words of love
    3 words of hate
    3 words saying " i love you"