• Freedom, Something i will never know, places i
    could never go, yet still i try to reach what
    we cannot fathom, some speak of magic and things
    that could never be, like how money comes from
    trees, the wishful percent is who we chose to
    intrigue, all the rest will settle for natures
    pedals which fall ever so slow, a story to bore
    me and the rest of you all until like fall we
    grow cold. Bold are some who chose to paint a
    new path, use a method others cannot grasp, for
    being different is a sin in these modern days
    freedom linked twas you who connected this chain
    and me who will break away at what you have
    created for i am new, improved you, half of your
    age with twice the clue, as you once recited to
    you know who. Freedom exceeds its weight in
    flesh and bones a word more powerful than ALL
    the worlds gold. one i cannot afford, even to
    speak of, a wish to beautiful to dream of dam
    this skin which hath enslaved me.
    Sean Morales
    Copyright ©2009 Sean Morales