• That one day out by the school yard fence I saw you walk by me
    Without a backward glance
    Not seeing me at all
    Blowing me off
    Pissed me off
    Started to cry and ran off
    Been watching you from afar for o so long
    Can’t stop thinking about you
    One night while walking along the fence I heard a voice call my name
    Turned my head to see you staring at me
    I walked back to you thinking about you
    How great you looked under the moon light
    Shining so bright like a star lighting up the night
    You walked to me and I walked to you
    You grabbed me in a tight embrace
    We kissed oh that first but second kiss
    Though it was the first kiss that we shared
    It felt like we have done it many time before
    It was heavenly and sweet like the way you looked in the moon light
    It was love at first embrace
    We shall be one forever and never losing sight of each other
    Through thick and thin we shall stay true for each other
    Forever and ever!!!!