• Mysterious girl, Mysterious girl
    All of a sudden you came in my world
    Rose are red, Violents are blue
    I was wonderen if you can give me a clue
    What are you like, sour or sweet
    Do you listen to the lyrics, or to the beat

    When I last saw you, even though it was just a second
    You where lookin all cute, and that smile is just perfection
    The mysterious girl is lookin like a star
    I wanna get to know her, but the distance is too far
    I wonder if she knows, or care I exist
    I just wish I knew the name after miss

    I should just tell her, but what would she say
    I have to think quick, I must do this today
    Waiting any longer would tear me apart
    But if I go wrong, I'll break my own heart
    Tension, desire, and the weight of the world
    Is all I feel when I think about the mysterious girl