• I love it when I look over at you,
    And you look at my feet,
    And follow me up , and greet my eyes with an amazing smile.
    I love it when I look over at you,
    And you glance over,
    And meet my eyes , just for that split second.
    I love it when I look over at you,
    And you are leaned up against a wall,
    Staring out the window, unaware of me gazing at you.
    I love it when I look over,
    And you are smiling and laughing with good friends,
    But then don't laugh along, when they laugh at someone else.
    I love it when I look over,
    And you are sitting there,
    With your toes facing in, strumming your guitar, staring at the stand.
    I love it when I look over,
    And you are right next to me,
    Making sure I see you standing close, I can almost smell you.
    I love it when I look over at you,
    And you do some Elvis moves,
    That makes me blush, even as you gather a small crowd.

    I love it when:
    You move your brown hair with your hand.
    You carry your guitar on stage.
    You make me feel invincible.
    You make me feel amazing.
    You dance.
    You laugh.
    You smile at me.
    You talk to me, facing me.
    You stand close.

    I love you.