• Roses are red,
    Violets are blue,
    I also wish you were dead too.
    Your name is Brett,
    And you suck,
    I wish you were dead.
    Youve hurt me physicaly, gonk
    And mentaly, crying
    So I wish you were gone.
    And I hope you take the pain with you
    You very name brings me terror,
    It brings shivers down my spine.
    Your name is evil,
    Your hands are evil,
    Your legs are evil,
    And your mouth brings evil.
    So be gone with you.
    Your name stands for....

    B-Brings terror to the world
    R-Recking everything you touch
    E-Exterminating all hopes and dreams
    T-Touching hearts and crushing them
    T-The way you follow the Devil evil