• The words flow together
    Into lines, into stanzas
    Into emotions, into thoughts
    Into lives, into souls

    Your soul is your subject
    The paper is your canvas
    No rules, no limitations
    Word to word
    Syllable to Syllable
    Emotions spewing out onto your canvas
    Making something beautiful

    Tales of wonder
    Tales of awe
    Tales of Sorrow
    Tales of hatred
    Tales of, and from, your soul

    A poem is a change
    A transformation of your soul into lyrics
    Into Emotions
    Into Thoughts
    A pure representation of you
    The purest

    But a transformation it is
    Not representation
    Not deligation
    Not illustration
    Not the fullest
    Not all-encompasing

    Alas Your soul is too full
    Too Amazing
    Too Uncanny
    To represent in words
    To limit to words
    To limit to lines
    To limit to stanzas

    And so, we create the impact not by sharing our feeling
    Not by painting our souls onto a canvas
    But by painting other souls onto our souls
    Not to sound cheeky
    But sharing is caring

    The more we see the others canvas, the fuller ours become