• The beauty within our souls is greater than even the force holding up the sun and stars and universe. Everyone has beauty in themselves, they just have to look deep enough. Love. Passion. Forgiveness. All qualities needed for life. All qualities needed for survival. All qualities needed for your soul. Go out. Do a good deed. You will be thanked. You have beauty. You just have to find it.

    The most powerful wisdom is not in the mind but in the heart. The heart holds the key to life. It holds the meaning of the universe. It holds the love in the world. Just wait. Follow your heart. It will lead you to unimaginable places. Whether it’s mystical Shengri-La or a sunset on the beach with someone you love. The best moments in life are ones from the heart.

    Love. Joy. Disappointment. Loss. Happiness. All qualities needed. All qualities misused. But are we not forgetting an important quality? What is the world without peace? Not only peace in the world, but peace in the mind. Reach out and touch the stars. Find true happiness. Have peace. Peace in the mind is but a mystery that mankind has not yet discovered. But some day. Some day. Someone out there will find true peace. Not someone special or famous, but a mere pedestrian on the street, just like you and me. Someone will find peace. Someone will complete his/her life. Peace.