• Ready or not, here I come.
    This is no game of hide and seek.
    What I need to say will leave you numb.
    So I want you to listen, don't even try to speak.
    I won't make this dramatic, I'll try to make this quick.
    No need to build up suspense--
    this ain't no chick flick.
    This won't be so romantic, i'm sorry to say.
    But what I've got to say is urgent,
    So I'll go ahead anyway.
    You're sure you're listening?
    'Cause I won't repeat it.
    If you can't handle the truth, then you might as well
    beat it.
    Here I come, ready or not.
    I've got to say, this is harder than I thought.
    But I have to complete the mission, tell you what I came here for.
    I can't delay this anymore.
    Here it goes, I hope you're ready.
    I'm sorry if my voice isn't steady.
    Okay, let me take a deep breath.
    Hopefully, I won't faint to death.
    Okay, I'm in love with you, that I'll admit.
    And you may not like me, but that's just it.
    This is how I really feel, in the simplest of words.
    And I wonder what you're thinking at this moment...
    maybe that I'm absurd.
    But hey, you gotta do what you gotta do,
    and my work here is done.
    This little conversation is over,
    but something new has just begun.
    Whether it's a new relationship
    or we remain just classmates,
    I'll be leaving that
    up to Fate.