• She woke up, in the morning,
    Arose her weary head,
    I Knew not of this forewarning,
    For it would cause the utmost dread.

    Caressing the arm of a lover,
    Daring not to disturb his sleep.
    Whispering softly, under the covers,
    "Your soul will soon be mine to keep."

    Alas, she felt that her love could not stay,
    Class, elegance, was not the way,
    Perceiving the skies, to always be gray,
    Now without logic, She's forced me astray.

    Now, I scour the land far and wide,
    Broken, Disheveled, and stripped of my pride.
    My confidence bruised, but strong I shall be,
    An Unwaivering angel, in the face of misery.