• Through these bloodshot eyes you’ll see a second side of everything
    Don’t give me that forbidden arcane thought bursting your eyes red as they bleed blackened (Do they know, fear this day as well)
    Eyes filled with fear filled tears as you dread (the ever after)
    In the image my mind devours insane thoughts

    To my circumstance a knife of which I circumcise the unwilling
    Through this month of fear another shadow grabs for thee…bring malice forth..
    Eyes drenched with the worry the anxiety and the faith (last chance for mitigation)
    Step forward into the madness and chaos will lash out (on this October 8th)
    ON this October bring me sanity..

    Like the beasts of pure darkness and shadow
    Won’t freedom cast me (Cast aside of the living, brought here from the side of the snow)
    The trees wilting off their leaves
    Covering up their demise (Theirs a tree out there that’s no other…..in destiny )

    Given up the hope to reach another crossroad so now I set ablaze
    Everything I’ve once held dear just let it all disappear into the dusk of the deep abyssal night
    Sodomy and the apocalypse is at our point, giving righteousness a last chance
    She hates him he thinks of her, her father gets ready his mother is now intoxicated

    Hearing all the ghosts
    The shades of the past that lament (Through the tears the right of shame is no other is that deep seated fear in your mind?)
    On the brink of regret
    The bestial fist will demand (You sell your soul to the demons on this day on this night theres only fear)

    Only deep inside that twisted reality would a compromise be discovered
    (or is it fabled to be, all just a child’s wrath)
    Chambers endless in their beasts the skin they shed becomes the wicked
    Becomes the reckoning of the departed

    GET THE F**K AWAY!!!
    Its all a chance you ever take <to not become the cannibal>
    Horrid sights that shroud the fear <they only despair>

    SO many times I held the hands to prevent the beast from arising
    A billion forsaken souls to the degree ; Does hope even matter anymore ?

    Autumn flows in the breeze
    Is your mind at unease?
    The reckoning felt of madness
    Is it all they comprehend ?

    To even bother wrecking the cage, of my sanity
    The month of madness has passed, but hell breaks out


    Bitter tears they shed make the monsoons that lead to barren fields
    Send the men into the war of the beasts, would it do any well to fight against
    What you’ll very soon become?

    Dear you from me my last thoughts as the red scarred moon (passes by and it transmutes the men into the creatures that render the hearts)
    The flaming sky as this day dwindles by (Don’t worry anymore about me, I’m becoming my fear)
    Crawling through madness, a shock felt by all (The impact they all endure is too much; Willing men fall asunder at the crunch)
    The jaws prepare (to break the walls of the shadows, to break the many who strive)
    To the pain we feel in unity a chance to heal (the beasts, the chaos)x2
    Do you fear the where after you seek? (eternally, a gratitude from the solitude)
    Who knows how this will go out in reality (Why do men fear the thoughts of the after, is it hell that they suffice to fear?)
    (In the outside alone and confused, wandering the no mans land..)
    (Into fear of this day do we risk, the darkness as madness seeps in)
    (into fear , into fear, …..)x3
    Interfere…interfere… (then starts back at Dear you from me and gets slower then static then the sound of growling and roaring and then the whispering message is said)
    Whispering: interfere any longer….you’ll have no way back from the dark….