• I look around in a sea of bubbles.
    Each one delicately laid out on the glass top of the water.
    Two ships search the bubbles, almost as if to find hidden treasure.
    A big yellow bird bobs around with nothing to loose but the big gleaming sea.
    It squeaks for joy as it dives in and out of the small waves.
    Underneath a submarine examines every inch of the smooth hard bottom.
    A shark circles it unwilling to be discovered.
    And then a hand reaches to me pulling me out.
    With a quick switch the sea begins to swirl into a small wirl pool.
    The ships sink with out a fight.
    The bird tumbles over crashing into the sub.
    The shark is sucked under into the big foamy mess.
    Then all is gone.
    I watch on the shore at what used to be the sea, my sea.
    And I watch my sea fade away as some one carries me off into the shadows.