• This feelings so strong,
    you've been with me and away for so long.
    Now Im always talking to you,
    being emotional with you,
    intimate with you.
    It's unusual,
    so strange,
    how can I forget about the pain?
    I've spent so much time hating you,
    how can I now feel so confused?
    Quickly growing close to you,
    Im suprised by every mood,
    I've even seen you in the nude.
    How can I be expected to know what to do,
    when the time,quickly approaching,
    comes for me to see you?
    Im eager and Im scared,
    im the one who asked but,
    your answer caught me completly unprepared.
    I dont want to screw this up,
    I've yet again given you alot of trust,
    and yet it seems so dangerous,
    im waiting for this all to blow up in my face!

    Shouldint I remain Inexorable?