• I'm not the same now

    My frost bitten spirit was melted by the warmth of your embrace.
    Saving my shattered heart from the frozen waste land where i buried it.
    You broke through the barriers my heart with words that where written on yours.
    Though as soon as you find another girl, you leave me broken and bleeding on the floor.
    You were a big part of my world And I will survive.
    I can still hear the last words you said to me ringing in my ears.
    I think about it like it was a bad dream.
    You ask me " do you believe in god", as I answer I have no Idea whats to happen.
    I said "Yes I believe in god".
    Just like that it was gone.
    You were gone.
    You had ended it faster then it started.
    You just walked out.
    I pick myself off the floor where you left me.
    I leave the memory of you behind me.
    When you walk down the road where you left me you shall not find the same girl.
    Due to you I have changed
    Because of you I can move on from the pain you left in your wake.
    If you ever find yourself looking for me I shall not look for you.
    The girl you left crying on the floor is no more.
    What remains is someone better.