• The sharpnes comes down on my neck
    Blackness coming to my eyes
    Feeling it all being drained
    My body going still and limp
    The voice sayingit will be fine
    Thinking one last time about this life
    "No turning back," the voice says
    Complete darkness
    Waking up hours later in a bed that isn't mine
    Going to the mirror to see
    Seeing nothing at all
    He comes to see if i made it through
    Telling him I'm fine
    Circling me to see the full results
    Looking down to see myself
    To see the paleness of my skin
    A tingle starts in my mouth
    Then the sensation all over
    He senses what im feeling
    Goes to the doorway
    Extends a hand towards me
    I grab his hand
    One word comes out of his mouth