• The bonds of true love know no bound.
    They can be stretched, streched and streched some more.
    This bond can withstand storms, chaoticness, and hell itself.
    One of them can not live without the other.

    The first kiss is the temple of the true love and devotion.
    This sacred kiss is shared with the one you trust and love.
    When that person shall leave you there is a painful lengaring hole festering with you and your mind.
    It hurts to think of that person and every time you do you curl into a ball and weep.

    But when that true love is in danger you shall risk your whole life to save them.
    Your life means nothing there's does, you think.
    And then, finally then, you reach and embrace them it's like the whole had never been there.

    Lesson learned, Love knows no bounds.

    -Anya Mizuke