• I stepped through this doorway.
    I'm surprised I made it back after a look inside.
    the plants weren't dead, and the tree's were green
    the sky was really blue. not red, or on fire.

    people were all walking, breathing, existing.
    not laying on the ground, motionless and without expression.

    i could hear my voice, and see as far as the view took me.
    instead of blindly walking into sunsets of blood and destruction.
    [set on feeding off my soul.]
    only rising to it's throne.
    To shine light on darkness.
    and darkness to life.
    Funny thing is. things were normal, things were..
    things were beautiful. my world isn't like this.
    and i remember telling myself. i should write this down. when i get back.

    ..........I'm back everybody. You guys should let me tell you a story.

    about this time I stepped through a door, that led me back to reality.

    and away from myself.