• Here I stand
    with no words to say
    like a broken strand.
    Should I just walk away?

    In this moment
    and in this place
    my emotion
    my heart does chase.

    Do I choose to fall
    or just keep climbing
    to find that light
    that seems to always be shining?

    Will the light be covered by shadow?
    Can it really shine through?
    Is it strong enough,
    to help me forget.... about you?

    In this small world
    do I forget about my heart
    or do I let it consume me
    just let it tear me apart?

    Through the dim light
    all I see
    is a huge crowd saying
    there is someone waiting for me.

    Is it really possible?
    Can it be true,
    because I actually thought
    that person was you.

    I guess I was wrong
    and you've helped me see
    that you don't care
    by rejecting the real me.

    I don't know what I can do
    or what I have to say
    to make my wish come true
    by having you stay.

    I try not to cry
    almost ever single day
    but I don't know why I try
    because I can't seem to keep the tears at bay.